Imaging, measurement and communication systems
Numerous beginner and advanced courses: from optical systems to image processing, from low light level to ocular imaging and adaptive optics, from interferometry to physical quantities and measurement, from optical fibers to broadband communication networks.

13 Trainings on catalog
EF5Colorimetry Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 2 days - 14 h
EF6Visual optical measurements New training Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 2 days - 14 h
SC5Optical fibers and applications New program Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 5 days - 35 h
SC6Optical interferometry: principle and applications Level: Basic/Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 4 days - 28 h
SC7Wavefront sensing New training Level: Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 2 days - 14 h
SC8Holography: from measurements to 3D display Level: Basic/Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 4 days - 28 h
SC8a3D Display: holographic techniques and other geometrical approaches Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 1 day - 7 h
SC9Design of optical imaging systems Level: Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 2 x 3 days - 42 h
SC10Acquisition, perception and image processing New program Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 4 days - 28 h
SC13Low light level vision and photon counting imaging Level: Advanced/Specialized Language of the training: French Duration: 3 days - 21 h
SC19Machine vision Level: Basic/Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 6 days - 42 h
SC20Understand and use speckle in imaging systems New training Level: Advanced/Specialized Language of the training: French Duration: 3 days - 21 h
SC21Adaptive optics in practice: from principle to applications New training Level: Basic/Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 2 days - 14 h