SC13Low light level vision and photon counting imaging

Level: Advanced/Specialized

People from private or public companies in the field military, security, microscopy, bioscience and astronomy


Basic knowledge in optics, notions in radiometry or photometry, notions in imaging or video or photography

Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 1380 € HT -
Duration: 3 days - 21 h
  • Tutorial dedicated on Low Light Level imaging technologies in the spectral band from 0,4µm up to 2µm
  • Be able to design a low light level imaging system with component selections
  • Be able to specify low light level components and perform the related acceptance test
  • Identify new technologies allowing the enhancement of imaging systems
Check the sessions
Low light level vision and photon counting imaging
Addressed topics

Needs and Challenges
Night illumination contributors, sensor technologies, Light Intensifiers
LLL digital video imaging, active imaging with laser illumination
Applications and future roadmaps

The program

The night vision

  • Visible Imaging
  • Eye sighting
  • Night illumination contributors and night levels

Imaging sensors technologies

  • Light intensifier tubes
  • Intensified digital sensors
  • CCD sensors
  • CMOS sensors
  • SWIR sensors from 1µm to 2µm
  • Perspective of photon counting enabled imaging technologies
  • Read data sheets

Active imaging

  • Active imaging principle
  • Illumination sources
  • Fitted imaging sensors
  • Speckle and atmospheric propagation
  • Albedos, LCS, cat's eye effect

Applications and challenges

  • Demonstrations
  • Range modelisation
  • Military applications
  • Surveillance and security
  • Scientific imaging from microscopy to astronomy
  • Futur technological challenges
Methodology and assessment

Lectures and exercices

Experiments and live demonstrations

Practical hands-on on instruments

Next session: date to be defined

  • December 13, 2021 to December 15, 2021 SC13 | Low light level vision and photon counting imaging Palaiseau
Pedagogical manager(s):
  • Thierry Midavaine - Senior engineer at THALES Optronique

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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024