SC10Acquisition, perception and image processing
New program
Level: Basic
Senior technician, engineer, project manager
Basic knowledge in physics and mathematics (bachelor)
Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 1820 € HT -
Duration: 4 days - 28 h
- Acquire quickly and simply the basics of digital imaging
- Learn about image processing
- Understand and use vocabulary specific to image processing
- Allow a better dialogue with experts in the field

Addressed topics
Acquisition, visualization and images perception
Digital imaging modes and their applications
Image processing: basic concepts and vocabulary
The program
- The image and its applications
The image chain
- Acquisition, transmission, visualization, human perception
Model of image formation by an optical sensor
Basic operations of image processing
Vocabulary of computer vision
Introduction to unconventional imaging modes
- Multispectral, polarimetry, active imaging (lidar, radar)
Methodology and assessment
Demonstrations and exercises of application on image processing software
Pedagogical manager(s):
- Guy Le Besnerais - Senior scientist at Onera
- Matthieu Boffety - Associate professor at Institut d'Optique
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