SC19Machine vision

Level: Basic/Advanced

Engineers from enterprises or administrations wishing to master the analyse and the design of machine vision systems

Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 2560 € HT -
Duration: 6 days - 42 h
  • Have an overview of the design of a machine vision system
  • Know the key parameters associated to this design
  • Discover the building blocks of a machine vision systems
  • Be able to specify, design and evaluate machine vision systems
Check the sessions
Machine vision
Addressed topics

Applications of machine vision

Photometry, colorimetry, lighting



Softwares and image processing

Design and dimensionning of a machine vision system

The program

Photometry, colorimetry, lighting

  • Human vision
  • Photometry basics
  • Surface properties
  • Colorimetry

Geometrical and instrumental optics, cameras

  • Image formation
  • Different types of objectives / classical optical systems
  • Instrumental optics
  • Aberrations
  • MTF
  • Ray optics
  • Cameras: main types of cameras, key parameters, interfaces

Image processing and softwares

  • Preprocessing tools
  • Edge detection tools
  • Shape recognition tools
  • Identification and verification tools
  • Other tools: calibration...
  • 3D Reconstruction / super-resolution

Design, dimensionning

  • Requirements specification
  • Material choice: lighting, optics, camera
  • Software choice: processing tools
  • Case study: matrix (2D) and linear (1D) vision


  • Photometry
  • Lighting
  • Bitelecentric optics
  • 3D/super-résolution
Methodology and assessment

Lectures and exercices
Interactive experimental demonstrations

Next session: date to be defined

  • June 11, 2019 to June 13, 2019 and June 19, 2019 to June 21, 2019 SC19 | Machine vision Palaiseau
Pedagogical manager(s):
  • Julien Villemejane - Professor at Institut d'Optique

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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024