SC19Machine vision
Level: Basic/Advanced
Engineers from enterprises or administrations wishing to master the analyse and the design of machine vision systems
Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 2560 € HT -
Duration: 6 days - 42 h
- Have an overview of the design of a machine vision system
- Know the key parameters associated to this design
- Discover the building blocks of a machine vision systems
- Be able to specify, design and evaluate machine vision systems

Addressed topics
Applications of machine vision
Photometry, colorimetry, lighting
Softwares and image processing
Design and dimensionning of a machine vision system
The program
Photometry, colorimetry, lighting
- Human vision
- Photometry basics
- Surface properties
- Colorimetry
Geometrical and instrumental optics, cameras
- Image formation
- Different types of objectives / classical optical systems
- Instrumental optics
- Aberrations
- Ray optics
- Cameras: main types of cameras, key parameters, interfaces
Image processing and softwares
- Preprocessing tools
- Edge detection tools
- Shape recognition tools
- Identification and verification tools
- Other tools: calibration...
- 3D Reconstruction / super-resolution
Design, dimensionning
- Requirements specification
- Material choice: lighting, optics, camera
- Software choice: processing tools
- Case study: matrix (2D) and linear (1D) vision
- Photometry
- Lighting
- Bitelecentric optics
- 3D/super-résolution
Methodology and assessment
Lectures and exercices
Interactive experimental demonstrations
Pedagogical manager(s):
- Julien Villemejane - Professor at Institut d'Optique
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