SC6Optical interferometry: principle and applications

Level: Basic/Advanced

Engineers or technicians who whish to specify, design, use or optimize an interferometer for phase or amplitude measurements, in industrial or research fields.


Preliminary knowledge of complex numbers and Fourier Transforms would be useful

Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 1820 € HT -
Duration: 4 days - 28 h
  • Understand optical interferometry
  • Discover the usefulness of this technique in various industrial applications
Check the sessions
Optical interferometry: principle and applications
Addressed topics

Physical optics



Signal processing

Industrial or commercial applications

The program

Principle and operation of an interferometer, coherence and applications

  • Analysis of 2-beam interference and contrast losses, N-beam Interference
  • Sub-systems of an interferometer (splitting, combining, [de]modulation), types (Young, Michelson, Mach-Zehnder, Fizeau...) and exploitation (Zernike polynomials)
  • Detailed study of spatial and temporal coherence
  • Interferometric techniques and uses (longitudinal or surface metrology, spectroscopy, velocimetry, fibered sensors, coherent detection, phased arrays)
  • tutorial classes: part or prolongation of main course, study of application cases

Practical exercises

  • Michelson interferometer
  • Fizeau interferometer (Zygo type)
  • Homodyne/heterodyne detection (acousto-optic modulator)
  • Speckle interferometry (deformation/vibration)
Methodology and assessment

Lectures and exercices

Demonstration on laboratory material, according to trainees wishes

Practical hands-on on instruments

Next session: date to be defined

  • October 08, 2019 to October 11, 2019 SC6 | Optical interferometry: principle and applications Palaiseau
Pedagogical manager(s):
  • Frédéric Cassaing - Senior engineer at Onera

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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024