Trainers at the Institut d’Optique’s Continuing Education Service

Our trainers are recognized experts, connected to the industrial world and appreciated for their educational methods.

The Institut d’Optique, with the support of its unique experience in optics, photonics and innovation, of its network and its partners, proposes experienced trainers connected to the industrial world. Industrial employees, (?) consultants or teacher-researchers, they all have a recognized expertise and are appreciated for their educational methods.

They help the trainees to rapidly acquire the core knowledge and skills immediately applicable in their professions and of their projects in their companies

Questionnaires sent to attendees prior to the training enable trainers to adapt their courses to best meet the trainees’objectives, whatever their professional background.

Isabelle Ribet, PhD, senior engineer at Onera

  • Associate Professor at the Institut d’Optique, in charge of Infrared-Electro-optics

In continuing education, I only have a few days to explore a generally very wide field: one must therefore go to the main topics, but not too fast, however!  Illustrations that I adapt to the trainees’ centers of interest help theoretical notions look more concrete. Of course, I attach a great importance to lab-work (?), which has a foothold (an important place)in all the training that I give.

The trainees come with very concrete questions (and sometimes very well-informed) related to their professional projects. It’s a challenge at each new training course, but these exchanges are always very fruitful."

Lionel Jacubowiez, co-leader of the “Laboratoire d’Enseignement Expérimental (LEnsE)”

  • Senior fellow at the Institut d’Optique

The audience diversity is a very interesting aspect of our training courses in continuing education, for the trainers as well as for the trainees. My sessions therefore always start by an open dialog to understand each one’s field of expertise and expectations. I lean on concrete examples stemming from the trainees’ real-life experiences or from the LEnsE, which enables to teach with the precious help of numerous experimental supports in demonstrations or lab-work.
I therefore remain attentive not to forget the famous Confucian maxim of Institut d’Optique’s lab-work: I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.

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Dernière modification le 30/07/2014