The role of the Continuing Education Service
Continuing education in all fields of optics and photonics has been one of Institut d’Optique Graduate School’s principal missions since its inception.
Continuing education at the Institut d’Optique since 1927

As early as 1927, evening courses were organized to meet the needs of the industrial sector. This activity was formalized in 1975 with the creation of the Institut d’Optique’s Continuing Education Service at the instigation of Professor Michel Cagney.
The mission of this Service is to propose training in all fields of optics and photonics to small and medium-sized businesses or to big groups; there has always been a close relationship with industry.
The courses are aimed at a wide public: engineers, high-level technicians, sales engineers or researchers, designers, users, and decision-makers; anyone who wants to learn fundamntal concepts as well as complementary training in more specialized fields.
The missions of the Continuing Education Service are therefore:
To provide concrete answers to companies’ training needs, thanks to a unique variety of experimental projects.
To present recognized expert trainers, connected to the industrial world and appreciated for their educational methods
To support companies’ technological evolution and innovation by leaning on (?) the dynamism of our network and of our partners.
The Service is certified DATADOCK

To enable the funders of vocational training to verify the compliance of training organizations with the 6 quality criteria defined by the law of 5 March 2014, a unique database of vocational training quality was created: the Datadock.
The spirit of this law, as reported on the site of Datadock, is to entrust the funders of vocational training with the responsibility of monitoring and quality control of the training organizations with whom they work.
Objectives: to improve the transparency of the training provided and to promote continuous improvement in the quality of training.
Sources : paritarisme-emploi, Datadock