Introduction to optics and photonics
Introduction or revision of the basic principles in optics and photonics, from optics without calculations to optical design, as well as radiophotometry and optomechanics.

8 Trainings on catalog
CO1Optical design with Zemax®-OpticStudio - Introduction Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 3 days - 21 h
CO5Thin layers optics: introduction New program Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 2 days - 14 h
CO6Design of optical systems based on off-the-shelf components with Zemax® New training Level: Basic/Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 4 days - 28 h
EF1Optics without calculation Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 3 days - 21 h
EF2Basics of optics Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 2 x 4 days - 56 h
EF3Radiometry and photometry Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 5 days - 35 h
SC1Optomechanics Level: Basic/Advanced Language of the training: French Duration: 4 days - 28 h
SC10Acquisition, perception and image processing New program Level: Basic Language of the training: French Duration: 4 days - 28 h