MS11Fundamentals of optics for lighting
Level: Basic
Senior technicians or engineers wishing to initiate themselves to optics for lighting
Basic trigonometry and mathematical calculus
Language of the training: English
Maximum capacity: 5
Price: 1720 € HT -
Duration: 4 days
- Being able to describe and analyse optical lighting systems using ray optics, physical optics and basic notions on light sources.

Addressed topics
Geometrical and physical optics
- Geometrical optics main physical principles, in relation to the design of optical systems (reflection, refraction, sequential and non-sequential ray tracing)
- Basic notions of imaging optics (paraxial optics, optical aberrations)
- Basic notions of physical optics in relation to the design of optical systems (interferences, diffraction)
Light sources physics
- Basic physical properties of light
- Physics of light emission
The program
Geometrical and physical optics
- Physical principles of geometrical optics
- Snell-Descartes' laws
- RAy tracing (sequential, non-sequential)
Light sources physics
- Physical optics principles applied to lighting
- Interferences, diffraction, PSF, MTF
- Physical properties of light
- Physics of light emission
Lab work
- Visual optical measurements
- Alignment of an optical table, precision of measurements
- Focal length, back focal length, radius of curvature
- Using Snell-Descartes’ laws (refraction, reflection)
- Applying geometrical and physical optics notions on dedicated softwares
- Ray tracing in optical design softwares (ex : Code V)
- Simple simulations on optimization and design softwares (ex : LightTools)
Methodology and assessment
Lectures and tutorials
Lab work on instruments
Pedagogical manager(s):
- Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin - Professor at Institut d'Optique
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