SC14Optical fibers sensors: principle, technology and applications for structure monitoring

New training
Level: Basic/Advanced

Engineers, technicians, users or project managers wishing to know more about these new instrumentation technologies, in particular optical sensor networks with innovative features.


Basic knowledge or knowledge in instrumentation, even a practice in measurement, and ideally some notions of optics

Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 1100 € HT -
Duration: 2 days - 14 h
  • Become aware of these new optical fibers sensing technologies
  • Better understand the benefits, specificities and performance
  • Have knowledge to exchange, propose, implement these technologies
Check the sessions
Optical fibers sensors: principle, technology and applications for structure monitoring
Addressed topics

Optical fibers

  • Reminders about the main characteristics
  • Specificities for the field of sensors

Optical fibers sensors

  • Different types of sensing, principles of operation, advantages, configurations, specificities...

Optical fibers sensor networks

  • Distributed sensors (Bragg networks, etc.)
  • Remote sensors (retrodiffusion, Rayleigh, Raman and Brillouin phenomenons)
  • Performance
  • Advantages

Industrial applications

The program

Optical fiber

  • Reminder of the metrological terms required to characterize a sensor - User Assessment Criteria
  • What is a fiber, different types, markets
  • Main characteristics (attenuation, dispersion, conservation of polarization...) and performance
  • Manufacturing methods
  • Special sensor fibers; "All-fiber" components (coupler, polarizer...); Connections

Optical Fibers Sensors

  • A short history of the field of OFS
  • The paradox underlying the different modes of use of fibers
  • Components of an OFS, their benefits; What types of sensing by OFS
  • Detailed examples of the different modes of interaction
  • Different types of light modulation

Optical Fibers Sensors Networks and Distributed Sensors

  • Two large families of OFSN (OFS networks distributed vs. remote)
  • OFS with Bragg gratings (principle, photo-inscription, characteristics, sensitivity...)
  • Bragg transducer sensors and measurement / demultiplexing systems for fiber sensors+B120 with Bragg gratings
  • Detailed examples of applications (Civil Engineering, public works, petroleum sector, various fields of use of composite materials, Railway...)

Optical Fibers Sensors Networks of distributed type

  • Distributed OFSN and the underlying philosophy
  • Principle of measurement points multiplexing
  • Elastic / inelastic scattering phenomena in the fiber (Rayleigh, Raman and Brillouin)
  • Principles of Raman measurement instruments, performance
  • Detailed examples of applications in works monitoring
  • Principles of Brillouin measurement instruments, performance
  • Continuously sensitive measurement cables
  • Examples of infrastructure monitoring applications


Methodology and assessment

Tutorials and exercises

Next session: date to be defined

  • May 06, 2019 to May 07, 2019 SC14 | Optical fibers sensors: principle, technology and applications for structure monitoring Palaiseau
Pedagogical manager(s):
  • Pierre Ferdinand - Senior consultant

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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024