EF4Thermal infrared: principles

Level: Basic/Advanced

Engineers or technicians wishing to master the principles of thermal infrared

Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 1820 € HT -
Duration: 4 days - 28 h
  • Discover and understand the specificities of the infrared domain
  • Know how to choose and use infrared equipments
  • Understand the design and the characterisation of thermal infrared equipments
Check the sessions
Thermal infrared: principles
Addressed topics

Infrared radiometry
Mechanical design
Design and characterisation of infrared equipments

The program

Infrared radiometry

  • Radiometry basics, infrared applications
  • Infrared properties of atmosphere and media
  • Exercices


  • Main technologies and associated figure of merits

System-oriented mechanical conception
Design and characterisation of infrared equipments

  • Design
  • Scene characterisation
  • Signal to noise ratio and optimisation
  • Infrared sensors characterisation : NEI, NETD, MRTD


  • Infrared camera
  • MTF measurements
Methodology and assessment

Talks and exercices
Interactive demonstrations

Next session: date to be defined

  • May 21, 2019 to May 24, 2019 EF4 | Thermal infrared: principles Palaiseau
Pedagogical manager(s):
  • Isabelle Ribet - Senior scientist at Onera, professor associated with Institut d'Optique
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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024