EF7Operating an imaging system

Nouvelle formation
Niveau : Débutant
Publics :

Engineers or technicians willing to understand, specify, operate an optical system forming an image on a CMOS/CCD sensor.

Pré-requis :

Basics of optics, like the EF1 course

Langue de la formation : Français
Capacité maximum : 12
Prix : 1380 € HT -
Durée : 3 days - 21 h
  • Acquire  notions allowing to efficiently operate an imaging system from off-the-shelf components
Voir les sessions
Operating an imaging system
Thèmes abordés

Pysical optics (diffraction)
Fourier optics (Point Spread Function, Modulation Transfer Function)
Aberrations (WaveFront Error, Strehl ratio, Zernike polynomials)
Matricial ans linear detectors

Le programme


  • nature of optical waves, propagation
  • main diffraction results (Fraunhofer, Fresnel)


  • an unresolved source, effect of aberrations
  • an extended scene, isoplanatism, Modulation Transfer Function

Image sampling, detector adaptation

Criterions and choice of the objective

Practical class

  • image of an unresolved point: effect of pupil diameter, of aberrations
  • study of a CMOS imaging sensor
  • setup of an industrial vision bench
Méthodologie et évaluation

Class and exercices
Demonstrations on laboratory benches according to trainee's wishes
Practical classes on instruments

Prochaine session : date à définir

  • 09 Avril 2019 au 11 Avril 2019 EF7 | Operating an imaging system Palaiseau
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
  • Frédéric Cassaing - Ingénieur expert Onera

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Dernière modification le 30/11/1969