EF7Operating an imaging system
Nouvelle formationNiveau : Débutant
Publics :
Engineers or technicians willing to understand, specify, operate an optical system forming an image on a CMOS/CCD sensor.
Pré-requis :
Basics of optics, like the EF1 course
Langue de la formation : Français
Capacité maximum : 12
Prix : 1380 € HT -
Durée : 3 days - 21 h
- Acquire notions allowing to efficiently operate an imaging system from off-the-shelf components
Thèmes abordés
Pysical optics (diffraction)
Fourier optics (Point Spread Function, Modulation Transfer Function)
Aberrations (WaveFront Error, Strehl ratio, Zernike polynomials)
Matricial ans linear detectors
Le programme
- nature of optical waves, propagation
- main diffraction results (Fraunhofer, Fresnel)
- an unresolved source, effect of aberrations
- an extended scene, isoplanatism, Modulation Transfer Function
Image sampling, detector adaptation
Criterions and choice of the objective
Practical class
- image of an unresolved point: effect of pupil diameter, of aberrations
- study of a CMOS imaging sensor
- setup of an industrial vision bench
Méthodologie et évaluation
Class and exercices
Demonstrations on laboratory benches according to trainee's wishes
Practical classes on instruments
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
- Frédéric Cassaing - Ingénieur expert Onera
Toutes les formations :