SC12Optronic systems

Level: Advanced

Engineers from companies or administrations working in the field of defense, surveillance, aerospace and wishing to master the analyse and the design of optronic systems


Basic knowledge corresponding to EF2 - Basics of optics

Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 2560 € HT -
Duration: 2x3 days - 42 h
  • Have an overview of the design of an optronic system (passive or active)
  • Understand the key parameters associated to this design
  • Discover the state-of-the art of the different components
  • Be able to specify, design and evaluate optronic systems (passive or active)
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Optronic systems
Addressed topics

Building blocks

  • Sources, paropagation media
  • Optical systems, detectors

Infrared systems

  • Thermal camera, near infrared imaging

Laser systems

  • Laser range finder, Lidar
  • Target designation

Image intensifiers

The program

Radiometry of optical systems

  • Radiometry basics
  • Optical systems
  • Atmospheric transmission
  • Exercices


  • Infrared technologies
  • Image intensifiers

Design and evaluation of optronic systems

  • Design of optronic systems
  • Evaluation  of optronic systems
  • Laser systems
  • Infrared systems
  • Image processing


  • Infrared camera
  • MTF measurements
  • Laser range finder
Methodology and assessment

Lectures and exercices
Interactive demonstrations and Labworks

Next session: date to be defined

  • November 08, 2021 to November 10, 2021 and November 24, 2021 to November 26, 2021 SC12 | Optronic systems Palaiseau
Pedagogical manager(s):
  • Isabelle Ribet - Senior scientist at Onera, professor associated with Institut d'Optique
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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024