New trainingLevel: Advanced/Specialized
Technician or engineer willing to understand optoelectronics systems functionning and their components
Basic knowledge in optics corresponding to EF1 - Optics without calculation
Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 1380 € HT -
Duration: 3 jours - 21 h
- Acquire the basic skills in optoelectronics
- Be able to communicate in the domain of optoelectronics
- Be able to understand technical specifications
- Learn how to use current optoelectronics components and instruments
- Design and set-up a simple experiment.

Addressed topics
Wave optics
Emission, modulation, guided optics
Semiconductor based components
2D detectors
The program
Introduction to optoelectronics
- Reminders in optics, diffraction, scattering and light propagation effects
Optical functions
- Emission, detection and deflection of light
- Optical modulation: accousto- and electro-optics, example of modulators
- Guided optics: waveguides and optical fibres
Semiconductors components
- Basics in semiconductor materials
- PIN and avalanche Photodiodes: principle of operation, characteristics, source of noise
- DEL light source: principle of operation, characteristics,
- Fabry-Perot, DFB, DBR, VCSEL… laser diode types: principle of operation, characteristics, comparison
Array detectors
- CCD/CMOS array detectors in the visible range: principle of operation, architectures, characteristics, applications
- Infrared array sensors (thermal and quantum): principle of operation, architectures, characteristics, applications
Labworks and demos
- Characterization of a LED and a laser diode
- Noise detection
- Characterization of a CMOS camera
- Optical fibre transmission: modulation formats, electro-optical modulator, set-up of a 10 Gbit/s transmission
Methodology and assessment
Tutorials and exercises
Interactive experimental demonstrations
Labworks on instruments
Pedagogical manager(s):
- Nicolas Dubreuil - Professor at Institut d'Optique