SC4LED: performance, applications, lighting

Level: Basic

Anyone wishing to learn about LEDs and their applications


Basic knowledge in electrokinetics (currents, Ohm law, generators, receptors, electrical power)
Nature of light (spectrum, photons, physiological basis of color perception)
Basic properties of material media (refraction, absorption)

Language of the training: French
Maximum capacity: 12
Price: 1100 € HT -
Duration: 2 days - 14 h
  • Evaluate the performance of a LED lighting system
  • Dimension a LED lighting system
  • Design, implement and optimize an installation using LEDs
Check the sessions
LED: performance, applications, lighting
Addressed topics


  • Photometric quantities
  • Basics of colorimetry

LEDs today

  • LEDs technology
  • LEDs Performance

LEDs Lighting Systems

  • Power and optics for LEDs
The program

LEDs photometry

  • Bases of photometry
  • Bases of colorimetry
  • Photometric Measurements
  • Visual and overall efficiency
  • Eye Safety

LEDs today

  • Reminder on semiconductors (nitrides and others)
  • Principle emitting diodes
  • LED, white LED Spectra
  • Thermal behavior of LEDs


  • Flux Measurements, luminance, LED indicator and spectra
Methodology and assessment

Labwork on instruments

Next session: date to be defined

  • October 07, 2019 to October 08, 2019 SC4 | LED: performance, applications, lighting Palaiseau
Pedagogical manager(s):
  • Henri Benisty - Professor at Institut d'Optique

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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024