MS11Fundamentals of optics for lighting

Niveau : Débutant
Publics :

Senior technicians or engineers wishing to initiate themselves to optics for lighting

Pré-requis :

Basic trigonometry and mathematical calculus

Langue de la formation : Anglais
Capacité maximum : 5
Prix : 1720 € HT -
Durée : 4 days
  • Being able to describe and analyse optical lighting systems using ray optics, physical optics and basic notions on light sources.
Voir les sessions
Fundamentals of optics for lighting
Thèmes abordés

Geometrical and physical optics

  • Geometrical optics main physical principles, in relation to the design of optical systems (reflection, refraction, sequential and non-sequential ray tracing)
  • Basic notions of imaging optics (paraxial optics, optical aberrations)
  • Basic notions of physical optics in relation to the design of optical systems (interferences, diffraction)

Light sources physics

  • Basic physical properties of light
  • Physics of light emission
Le programme

Geometrical and physical optics

  • Physical principles of geometrical optics
  • Snell-Descartes' laws
  • RAy tracing (sequential, non-sequential)

Light sources physics

  • Physical optics principles applied to lighting
  • Interferences, diffraction, PSF, MTF
  • Physical properties of light
  • Physics of light emission

Lab work

  • Visual optical measurements
  • Alignment of an optical table, precision of measurements
  • Focal length, back focal length, radius of curvature
  • Using Snell-Descartes’ laws (refraction, reflection)
  • Applying geometrical and physical optics notions on dedicated softwares
  • Ray tracing in optical design softwares (ex : Code V)
  • Simple simulations on optimization and design softwares (ex : LightTools)
Méthodologie et évaluation

Lectures and tutorials

Lab work on instruments

Prochaine session : date à définir

  • 17 Septembre 2018 au 20 Septembre 2018 MS11 | Fundamentals of optics for lighting Palaiseau
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
  • Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin - Enseignante-chercheure à l'Institut d'Optique

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Dernière modification le 30/11/1969