SC20Understand and use speckle in imaging systems

Nouvelle formation
Niveau : Intermédiaire/Avancé
Publics :

Senior technician, engineer or project manager, researcher, having basic knowledge in optics and willing to investigate speckle imaging

Pré-requis :

Basic knowledge in physical optics (difraction and interferences)

Langue de la formation : Français
Capacité maximum : 12
Prix : 1380 € HT -
Durée : 3 days - 21 h

Intuitive understanding of the origin of speckle

Know its main properties (size of the speckle grain, size of the speckle halo and probability distribution)

Understand the applications of speckle in imaging systems (from Fourier to subjective speckle)

Voir les sessions
Understand and use speckle in imaging systems
Thèmes abordés

Coherent optical propagation

Fourier and subjective speckle

Coherent and incoherent imaging

Applications to imaging through complex media or measurement of surface defects

Le programme
Reminder of the basics of coherent optics
  • Huyghens-Fresnel's principle 
  • Fresnel's propagation and Fraunhofer's diffraction
  • Spatial coherence (definition and intuitive understanding)
General properties of speckle fields
  • Intuitive understanding of the origin of the speckle pattern
  • Link with spatial coherence
  • Study of statistical properties (intensity probability distribution, size of speckle grain and speckle halo)
  • Influence of the diffuser on speckle properties
Speckle and imaging optics 
  • Fourier speckle: case of a perturbation (diffuser) in between the objet and the image. Example: atmospheric turbulences in astronomy
  • Subjective speckle: speckle pattern superimposed on the image when imaging a rough object. Example: coherent radar imaging
Experimental practice
  • Study elementary speckle properties (both Fourier and subjective speckle)
  • Applications of speckle for measuring surfaces deformations (digital speckle pattern interferometry)
Méthodologie et évaluation

Lectures with instructive example - Intuitive approach of speckle properties

Interactive experimental demonstrations

Experimental hands-on

Prochaine session : date à définir

  • 18 Septembre 2019 au 20 Septembre 2019 SC20 | Understand and use speckle in imaging systems Palaiseau
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
  • Vincent Josse - Enseignant-chercheur à l'Institut d'Optique
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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024