SC2Optical manufacturing and optical metrology

Nouveau programme
Niveau : Avancé
Publics :

Engineer or advanced technician willing to work with opticians in the field of optical manufacturing 

Pré-requis :

Basic knowledge in optics

Langue de la formation : Français
Capacité maximum : 12
Prix : 1380 € HT -
Durée : 3 days - 21 h
  • Discover the steps of optical components manufacturing
  • Learn the control techniques of optical components
  • Integrate notions of quality monitoring
Voir les sessions
Optical manufacturing and optical metrology
Thèmes abordés

Optical component manufacturing processes

Metrology of optical components

Le programme

Manufacturing methods

  • Machining, mechanisms lapping and polishing.
  • Standard processes for spheres and planes. Industrial production equipment.
  • Principles and implementation of computer assisted polishing.
  • Special processes and ion milling.
  • Means of manufacture inspired by mechanics: machining diamond tool
  • Micro-grinding - Examples of applications
  • CN Manufacturing equipment: Roughing - Fining - Polishing - Edging
  • Polishing by magneto-rheological and application to the manufacture of aspherical surfaces

Optical Control

  • Controls with caliber and interferometer, dimensional metrology
  • Wavefronts analyser: Hartmann, Hartmann-Shack, Hartmann modified lateral shift interferometry
  • Interferometric measurements (Zygo)

Awareness of quality procedures and standards

  • Quality concept and approach: quality objectives and indicators
  • Risk management, problem solving method, role of quality documentation.
  • Introduction to quality standards and certification procedures.
Méthodologie et évaluation

General lectures


Optical workshop visit

Prochaine session : date à définir

  • 13 Février 2019 au 15 Février 2019 SC2 | Optical manufacturing and optical metrology Palaiseau
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
  • Sébastien De Rossi - Enseignant-chercheur à l'Institut d'Optique

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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024