SC14Optical fibers sensors: principle, technology and applications for structure monitoring

Nouvelle formation
Niveau : Débutant/Intermédiaire
Publics :

Engineers, technicians, users or project managers wishing to know more about these new instrumentation technologies, in particular optical sensor networks with innovative features.

Pré-requis :

Basic knowledge or knowledge in instrumentation, even a practice in measurement, and ideally some notions of optics

Langue de la formation : Français
Capacité maximum : 12
Prix : 1100 € HT -
Durée : 2 days - 14 h
  • Become aware of these new optical fibers sensing technologies
  • Better understand the benefits, specificities and performance
  • Have knowledge to exchange, propose, implement these technologies
Voir les sessions
Optical fibers sensors: principle, technology and applications for structure monitoring
Thèmes abordés

Optical fibers

  • Reminders about the main characteristics
  • Specificities for the field of sensors

Optical fibers sensors

  • Different types of sensing, principles of operation, advantages, configurations, specificities...

Optical fibers sensor networks

  • Distributed sensors (Bragg networks, etc.)
  • Remote sensors (retrodiffusion, Rayleigh, Raman and Brillouin phenomenons)
  • Performance
  • Advantages

Industrial applications

Le programme

Optical fiber

  • Reminder of the metrological terms required to characterize a sensor - User Assessment Criteria
  • What is a fiber, different types, markets
  • Main characteristics (attenuation, dispersion, conservation of polarization...) and performance
  • Manufacturing methods
  • Special sensor fibers; "All-fiber" components (coupler, polarizer...); Connections

Optical Fibers Sensors

  • A short history of the field of OFS
  • The paradox underlying the different modes of use of fibers
  • Components of an OFS, their benefits; What types of sensing by OFS
  • Detailed examples of the different modes of interaction
  • Different types of light modulation

Optical Fibers Sensors Networks and Distributed Sensors

  • Two large families of OFSN (OFS networks distributed vs. remote)
  • OFS with Bragg gratings (principle, photo-inscription, characteristics, sensitivity...)
  • Bragg transducer sensors and measurement / demultiplexing systems for fiber sensors+B120 with Bragg gratings
  • Detailed examples of applications (Civil Engineering, public works, petroleum sector, various fields of use of composite materials, Railway...)

Optical Fibers Sensors Networks of distributed type

  • Distributed OFSN and the underlying philosophy
  • Principle of measurement points multiplexing
  • Elastic / inelastic scattering phenomena in the fiber (Rayleigh, Raman and Brillouin)
  • Principles of Raman measurement instruments, performance
  • Detailed examples of applications in works monitoring
  • Principles of Brillouin measurement instruments, performance
  • Continuously sensitive measurement cables
  • Examples of infrastructure monitoring applications


Méthodologie et évaluation

Tutorials and exercises

Prochaine session : date à définir

  • 06 Mai 2019 au 07 Mai 2019 SC14 | Optical fibers sensors: principle, technology and applications for structure monitoring Palaiseau
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
  • Pierre Ferdinand - Consultant expert

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Dernière modification le 10/06/2024