MS42Physically realistic and real time rendering of appearance, visual and cognitive aspects in relation with design

Niveau : Intermédiaire/Avancé
Publics :

Senior technicians or engineers wishing to deepen the different issues related to rendering of appearence.

Pré-requis :

Fundamentals of photometry and optics for lighting, basic knowledge in computer sciences softwares, such as Matlab, and in image processing

Langue de la formation : Anglais
Capacité maximum : 5
Prix : 1720 € HT -
Durée : 4 days
  • Understand the relationship between the physical reality and the perceived aspect
  • Specify the needs in terms of real time rendering by virtual or augmented reality as well as by valid images through the filters of vision and cognition.
Voir les sessions
Physically realistic and real time rendering of appearance, visual and cognitive aspects in relation with design
Thèmes abordés

Vision and cognitics

Photometric simulation

Visual rendering, file formats

Le programme

Vision and cognitics

  • Vision physiology
  • Human visual system
  • Colorimetric aspects and trichromy
  • Cognitics and brain functions
  • Attention, masking and recognition
  • Patterns and colors perception
  • Night vision

Simulation methods for presentation

  • Realistic photometric simulations (advanced offline radiophotometric simulation methods, limits, interpretation of results)
  • Real time simulation for presentations (main methods, limits, approximations)

Visual adaptation and sensors

  • Physiological shade correction
  • Visual/sensor adaptation (shade correction and contrast for HDR), analysis and use of HDR images
  • Visual rendering tools
  • File formats best suited for photometrics (colorimetric and radiometric quantities (LDR/HDR), images and light fields)

Lab work

  • Design and ergonomics
  • Real time photometric simulations
Méthodologie et évaluation

Lectures and tutorials

Lab work

Prochaine session : date à définir

  • 07 Décembre 2020 au 10 Décembre 2020 MS42 | Physically realistic and real time rendering of appearance, visual and cognitive aspects in relation with design Palaiseau
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
  • Xavier Granier - Enseignant-chercheur à l'Institut d'Optique
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