SC11Design of infrared cameras
Niveau : Avancé
Publics :
Engineers of companies and administrations involved in defense, surveillance, aerospace or astronomy applications, wishing to master the analyse and the design of infrared cameras
Pré-requis :
Basic knowledge corresponding to EF2 - Basics of optics
Langue de la formation : Français
Capacité maximum : 12
Prix : 1820 € HT -
Durée : 4 days - 28 h
- Have an overview of the problematic of infrared cameras design
- Discover the key parameters associated to this design
- Discover the state-of-the-art of components and modules
- Be able to specify, design and evaluate infrared cameras (cooled or uncooled)

Thèmes abordés
Infrared radiometry
- Thermal infrared
Infrared detectors
- Characterization, main technologies (cooled or uncooled)
- Proxy electronics
- Cryogeny
Dimensioning of an infrared system, link budget
- Design of an infrared system, performance predictions
- Infrared image visualisation
Le programme
Infrared detection
- Thermal infrared
- Infrared detectors: principles
- Infrared technologies (cooled and uncooled)
- Proxy electronics
- Infrared detectors characterisation
Design of an infrared system
- Design of infrared optics
- Infrared image visualisation
- Design of an infrared system
- Performance prediction
- Exercice: design of a cooled infrared camera
- Characterisation of a cooled photodiode
- Characterisation of an uncooled camera
Méthodologie et évaluation
Lectures and exercices
Interactive demonstrations
Responsable(s) pédagogique(s) :
- Isabelle Ribet - Experte Onera, professeure associée à l'Institut d'Optique
Toutes les formations :